Reliable Websites on Wireless Radiation & Healthy Buildings
- SafeTech NC is a non-profit founded and run by Mary Anne Tierney. See our many free, Do-It-Yourself EMF solutions, along with the best of EMF studies.
- Baby Safe Project Advice for pregnant women, their providers, and those seeking to conceive a healthy child.
- Building Biology Institute for experts on EMF and clean indoor air experts, free podcasts and handouts, and on-line, advanced environmental education
- Electromagnetic Radiation Safety Scientific and policy developments on EMR by Dr Joel Moskowitz, UC Berkeley School of Public Health.
- EMF Analysis: Engineer Jeremy Johnson writes outstanding blogs on working through some of the tech challenges of low-EMF living.
- EMF Portal: Data-base of 30,000+ published studies EMF health effects.
- Environmental Health Trust outstanding education, policy information, and the most important research studies.
- Physicians for Safe Technology: Education, policy highlights, peer-reviewed research for all, including health care providers.
- Stop Smart Meters: See lower-right column titled “Don’t Miss” and then Smart Meter Opt-Out Policies for your state’s opportunities.
- Wireless Education Short on-line courses for all, health care professionals.
Recommended Books:
EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself, by J. Mercola, D.O. (2020) Overpowered: The Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) and What You Can Do about It – by M. Blank, PhD (2014).
Documentary: Generation Zapped, released in 2017, features 20 of the world’s EMF experts in a beautiful, captivating movie about EMF health effects. Appropriate for middle schoolers and up.
EMF Safety Products
- Safe Living Technologies offers a wide range of EMF meters, shielding products, and awesome customer service. Use our Mary Anne’s coupon code for 5% off: blue-5
- Less EMF has hundreds of EMF shielding products and safe shipping.
- I Am Living Harmony’s shielded cell phone cases ($135 in cork/ $150 in leather) customized for your phone and your tastes. This non-profit makes a case for a low-income youth in Los Angeles following each purchase.
- Tech Wellness has vetted a selection of products for cell phone safely and hard-wiring, plus podcasts to learn more.
Mary Anne’s Selected References and Studies for More Research
5G: Russell, C. L. (2018). 5 G wireless telecommunications expansion: Public health and environmental implications. Environmental Research, 165, 484-495.
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link – Part I, , Herbert, M. , C., Pathophysiology, Volume 20, Issue 3, June 2013, Pages 191-209,
- National Toxicology Program Cell Phone Radiation Studies, National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, 2018. “Clear evidence of carcinogenesis” found by NTP and its peer-reviewers in this gold-standard, $30 million U.S. government study.
- Cancer study by the Ramazzini Institute: L. Falcioni, L. Bua, E. Tibaldi, M, Belpoggi, et al (2018). Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natural death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM base station environmental emission, Environmental Research, Volume 165, 2018, Pages 496-503, ISSN 0013-9351, doi:10.1016/j.envres. 2018.01.037.
- Breast Cancer: West JG, Kapoor NS, Liao S, Chen JW, (2013). Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones. Case Reports in Medicine. Volume 2013, Article ID 354682.
Following the release of the National Toxicology Program’s study noted above, the American Academy of Pediatrics released these Cell Phone Safety Recommendations:
- Do not use the cell phone up to your head. Use speaker mode or hand-free to limit radiation to the brain.
- Avoid carrying the phone against your body, like in a pocket, sock, or bra. Cell phone manufacturer cannot guarantee that the amount of radiation you are absorbing will be a safe level.
- Make only short or essential calls on cell phones.
- If you plan to watch a movie on your device, download it first, then switch to airplane mode while you watch, in order to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure.
- Keep an eye on the signal strength (ie: how many bars you have). The weaker the signal, the harder your phone has to work and the more radiation it gives off.
- Avoid making calls in cars, elevators, trains, and buses. The cell phone works harder (and emits more radiation) to get a signal through metal.
- Remember that cell phones are not toys or teething items. ~ from AAP’s
Radiofrequency radiation is a multi-site carcinogen: Hardell, L., & Carlberg, M. (2019). Comments on the US National Toxicology Program technical reports on toxicology and carcinogenesis study in rats exposed to whole-body radiofrequency radiation at 900 MHz and in mice exposed to whole-body radiofrequency radiation at 1,900 MHz. International Journal of Oncology, 54(1), 111-127.
Children’s Radiation Absorption: Om P. Gandhi, L. Lloyd Morgan, Alvaro Augusto de Salles, Yueh-Ying Han, Ronald B. Herberman & Devra Lee Davis (2012) Exposure Limits: The underestimation of absorbed cell phone radiation, especially in children, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 31:1, 34-51. , DOI: 10.3109/15368378.2011.622827
Aldad, Tamir S., Geliang Gan, Xiao-Bing Gao, and Hugh S. Taylor. (2012). Fetal Radiofrequency Exposure from 800-1900 Mhz-Rated Cellular Telephones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior in Mice.
Birks, L, Guxens., M., Papadopoulou.,E., Maternal cell phone use during pregnancy and child behavioral problems. In five birth cohorts, Environment International 104 (2017) 122–131
Millennials ’ Health: Blue Cross Blue Shield Study of Millennials 2019
Miscarriage: Li, De-Kun, Hong Chen, Jeannette R. Ferber, Roxana Odouli, and Charles Quesenberry. (2017). Exposure to Magnetic Field Non-Ionizing Radiation and the Risk of Miscarriage: A Prospective Cohort Study. Scientific Reports 7, no. 1: 17541. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-16623-8.
Neuro-Psychiatric effects: Pall, M. L. (2016). Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 75, 43-51.
Oxidative Stress / Immune Function/ Free Radicals: Yakymenko. I., ,Tsybulin., O., Sidorik, E.,et al,, Oxidative mechanisms of biological activity of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Vol 35, 2016, Issue 2, Pages 186-202. This review article found that among 100 currently available peer-reviewed studies dealing with oxidative effects of low-intensity radio-frequency radiation (RFR), 93 confirmed that RFR induces oxidative effects in biological systems.
Wi-Fi Health Effects: Martin L. Pall, (2018). Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health, Environmental Research, Volume 164, Pages 405-416, ISSN 0013-9351, doi:10.1016/j.envres.2018.01.035.
Wi-Fi in Schools: Taking Action:
- Toolkit on WiFi in Schools from the Environmental Health Trust
- Physicians for Safe Technology Link to studies, news, policies on Wi-Fi in schools: Wi-Fi in Schools
- Clegg, F., et al, Building science and radiofrequency Radiation: What makes smart and healthy buildings, Building and Environment, 106324, ISSN 0360-1323, Building and Environment, 176 (2020).106324.
- provides comprehensive legal, health, and technical highlights of why and how to lower radiation levels in learning environments. Check out their taped webinars.
Worldwide Policies on Wireless Exposures: outstanding compilation by the Environmental Health Trust: