Recent Appearances
by Mary Anne Tierney, RN, MPH, EMRS
Mary Anne Tierney’s Public Appearances
Hello! Thank you for interest in my work of sharing simple solutions to use technology safely. Below is a sampling of my recent public appearances.
- Hazards of EMF: Solutions for Safer Technology: Panelist following this lecture by Dr. Devra Davis, (5/23/24) in Asheville. The recording can be found at this link. I began the panelists’ brief presentations and Q & A at 1:00:06. Read the coverage of this
event by the Asheville Tribune. Check out my blog and the background of my brief presentation.
- Op-Ed in the Asheville Citizen Times Proposed legislation would litter national parks with cell towers radiation: (5/12/24) This was also picked up by MSN news! Many thanks to my co-authors Elizabeth Foley, Anne, Hines, MD, Diane Douglas, OT, and Jamie-Lee Nix.
- International Webinar on Children in the Digital Age (12/23) hosted by Americans for Responsible Technology. I was one of 11 speakers from 9 countries.
- Southeastern Summit for Behavioral Health, Wrightsville Beach, NC: Wireless Wisdom for Lifting Mood and Enhancing Wellbeing: Science & Solutions for Safely Using Technology (5/11/23). This annual conference is part of the system of NC Area Health Education Centers (AHEC).
- “Grand Rounds” Presentation for the NC Integrative Medical Society: “Clearing the Air of EMFs: Why & How to Reduce Exposures” (3/25/23)
- Lloyd Burrell, worldwide expert on sharing tips to overcome EMF sensitivity, hosted Mary Anne on his Electric Sense podcasts on Why & How to Take a Tech Sabbath (3/23) and Creating a Sleep Sanctuary & Lifting Mood (2021).
- Quieting the Mind by Unplugging One Day a Week: interview with integrative psychiatrist Courtney Snyder, MD (3/5/23)
- Daoist Traditions College with Dr Kathy Veon: Wireless Wisdom: Unbiased Science, Diagnosis, Treatment, & Simple Solutions for Electromagnetic Exposures (3/9/23) for acupuncture students and practitioners
- Southeastern Regional Integrative Medical Conference: Wireless Wisdom for Restorative Sleep: How to Create a Low-EMF Sleep Sanctuary (6/11/22)
The EMF Medical Conference 2021, Three presentations for this conference that offered 24.5 CME, including: Overcoming the Dam of Denial: Helping Advance Patients’ Knowledge, Attitudes & Practices on EMF Exposures; Role Play with a Client along with Cece Doucette, MA 4 Safe Technology; and Sleep Well: Creating a Low-EMF Sleep Sanctuary with Mitch Marchand, EE, EMRS.
- The International & American Association of Clinical Nutritionists’ Annual Scientific Symposium (Oct 2021) gave me the honor of presenting two 45-minute lectures on “Wireless Wisdom for Healthy Homes & Offices: How to Embrace Low-EMF Living”
- Five Simple Steps to Hardwire an Internet Connection for less than $50: I shared a 5-minute segment on the Children’s Health Defense TV.
- Simple Tech Changes Make Summer Travel Safer podcast on Autism Parenting Secrets hosted by Len & Cass Arcuri (6/21). This blog on summer travel also has some of similar content.
Thank you for checking out these offerings! Gratefully, Mary Anne